Rod Shoer is an independent contractor with a national risk protection company. Rod is a people person and is a great “networker.” He and I attend several of the same networking groups and that is how we met and developed a friendship. Rod was turning 65 soon and would be eligible for Medicare. He was excited about this opportunity but also had some questions and concerns. Because of his current coverage he had to enroll in Original Medicare and wanted to learn more about his options for additional health insurance. Rod and I set up a meeting to discuss these options. Prior to the meeting we asked Rod some questions to better understand his healthcare needs.
At the initial meeting we educated Rod on how original Medicare works; what it covers and what it does not cover. We further educated him on his additional Medicare options based on the information he shared with us. We agreed to meet again several weeks later. During that time Rod asked more questions about Medicare to better understand his options. At our next meeting, feeling comfortable with his decision, Rod chose to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan that best protected his healthcare and offered additional benefits, such as dental, vision, hearing, and a free gym membership. Rod now has the peace-of-mind knowing that his healthcare will be protected as he continues to help people manage their risk. Being pleased with our educational approach and simple process Rod has referred several of his friends to us.
Who do you know who will be turning 65 soon and has questions about Medicare health insurance?
Please send them this story or share our contact information with them. We’d be happy to help them navigate the Medicare Maze.